To get started choose a page:
Index / Site map — An alphabetical list
First things first
Getting started/installation — All you need to install the plugin
Creating a TARDIS — Creating your first TARDIS
Companions — How to let other players join you on your travels
Artron Energy — All you need to know about what powers your TARDIS
Enter and Exit — Moving in and out of the TARDIS
Removing a TARDIS — Deleting your TARDIS
Time travelling
Time Travel — How to navigate the time vortex
Advanced TARDIS Console — Add more complexity to the game
TARDIS Keyboard — Set destinations by editing a sign
TARDIS malfunctions — When not everything goes to plan
If you’re stuck
FAQs — Those questions you always wanted answered
Cool stuff to do & use
TARDIS Resource Pack — Custom textures for TARDIS blocks and items
Zero Room — A place of peace and tranquility
Weeping Angels — Add new terrifying mobs to the game
TARDIS Genetic Manipulator — "I am Richard Lazarus. I am 76 years old, and I am reborn!"
Sonic Screwdriver — The Doctor’s do everything tool
Perception Filter — Make yourself less noticeable
Architectural Reconfiguration System — Remodel the TARDIS
Rooms — Growing rooms
Gravity wells — Bend the laws of physics
Custom rooms — Use your own schematics
Modifying the TARDIS interior — Customise the look of your TARDIS
Change the TARDIS desktop theme — Just like in the show
Chameleon Circuit — Make the TARDIS blend in with its environment
Junk TARDIS — Time travel without a capsule, nasty stuff
Whovian food — Eat like the doctor
Environment Scanner & Exterior Renderer — Check what’s happening outside the TARDIS
Energy Condenser — Convert raw materials into Artron Energy
Artron Storage Cells — Transfer energy to where you need it
Mob farming — Capture farm animals in the Police Box and transport them into the TARDIS
HADS — Hostile Action Displacement System
Emergency Program One — Have an NPC say a message in the TARDIS when you die
Autonomous control — Have the TARDIS fly home when you die
Universal Translator — Chat in a different language
Books and Achievements — Get rewarded for doing stuff
Custom Schematics — Want to use your own TARDIS design?
Commands — A command overview
TARDIS Commands — General TARDIS commands
Travel Commands — Travel related commands
Player Preferences — Commands to set TARDIS player preferences
Bind commands — ‘Bind’ saves and other functions to buttons for easy access
Texture Pack commands — Switch texture packs when entering and exiting the TARDIS (not recommended)
Config Commands — Configure the TARDIS plugin settings
Admin Commands — Perform TARDIS administrative functions
Give Commands — Give TARDIS items and Artron Energy to players
Remote Commands — Remotely control any TARDIS
Schematic Commands — Make TARDIS schematics
Area Commands — Set up areas that players can travel to (such as recharge stations and parking lots)
Admin stuff
Localisation — Change the language of TARDIS messages
T.I.P.S — The TARDIS Interior Positioning System
Configuration — A big list of config options
Permissions — A big list of permissions
Item kits — Give multiple items to players
TARDIS recipes — Configure TARDIS item recipes
TARDIS world permissions — Automatically set perms for TARDIS worlds
TARDIS areas — How to set up TARDIS areas
Rooms and economies — How to balance the two
Change log — A list of all the stuff that has been added and fixed since release.
TARDIS Java Docs — Get the low down on the code
Spigot/Paper plugin starter — Generate the required files to start writing a Spigot/Paper plugin using Maven and your preferred Java IDE. The TARDIS plugin is coded using IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition.