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TARDIS Item Kits

Kits allow server operators to give TARDIS items to players.

You can configure the plugin to automatically give kits to players when two events occur — when a player joins the server and when a player creates a TARDIS. You can also give kits to players using the /tardisgive command ( @see TARDIS give commands).

Configuring kits

The default kit configuration is shown below:

## TARDIS item kits
enabled: false
kit: basic
enabled: false
kit: circuits
- Sonic Screwdriver
- Sonic Screwdriver
- TARDIS Locator
- Stattenheim Remote
- Perception Filter
- TARDIS ARS Circuit
- TARDIS Chameleon Circuit
- TARDIS Input Circuit
- TARDIS Invisibility Circuit
- TARDIS Materialisation Circuit
- TARDIS Memory Circuit
- TARDIS Randomiser Circuit
- TARDIS Scanner Circuit
- TARDIS Temporal Circuit

The kits file is split into two sections give and kits:

The give configuration section sets whether kits are given for either of the two events, and if configured, which kit to give.

OptionTypeDefault Value
 Sets whether to give a kit to players when they join the server. Players must have the tardis.kit.join permission.
 Sets which kit to give to players when they join the server.
 Sets whether to give a kit to players when they create a TARDIS. Players must have the tardis.kit.create permission.
 Sets which kit to give to players when they create a TARDIS.

The kits configuration section allows you to set up lists of TARDIS items.

    [kit name]:string
 This is what you want to call the kit.
        [item]list item
        [item]list item
        [item]list item
 These are the items contained in the kit. The item names must be the same as configured in recipes.yml — see Recipes

Kit events

Player join

give.join.enabled must be set to true

If a player has the permission tardis.kit.join, then when they join the server, they will automatically be given the join configured kit. The kit is only ever given once, not every time they join.

TARDIS creation

give.create.enabled must be set to true

If a player has the permission tardis.kit.create, then when they create a TARDIS for the first time, they will automatically be given the create configured kit. The kit is only ever given once, not every time they create a TARDIS.