Player Preferences
There are a number of specific player preferences that you can change:
- TARDIS key
- Sound effects
- Who quotes
- Wall material
- Floor material
- Siege Wall material
- Siege Floor material
- Isomorphic controls
- Autonomous homing function
- Emergency Program One
- Police Box sign (not available in TARDIS v2.6 to v2.8)
- Police Box lamp (only available if the TARDIS preset is a Police Box)
- Beacon
- Do Not Disturb (DND)
- Build flag
- Minecart sounds
- Exterior Rendering Room
- Travel Bar
- Difficulty
- Farming
- Junk Mode
- Interior hum sound effects
- Announce repeater settings
- TARDIS Information System mode
Each preference can be set with a command, and some of them can be set via an inventory based GUI (if the player has a Sonic Screwdriver, sneaking and right-clicking air will open the Player Preferences GUI).
Player preference commands
Arguments | Description | Usage |
announce_repeaters | Toggle announcing (i.e. showing a title in-game) of the TARDIS console travel repeater settings when you click them Permission: tardis.prefs.announce_repeaters | /tardisprefs announce_repeaters [on|off] |
auto | Toggle the TARDIS Autonomous Homing feature on and off. If the server admin has disabled the autonomous homing function in the plugin config, this command will have no effect. See the Autonomous homing function page for more information. Permission: | /tardisprefs auto [on|off] |
auto_powerup | Toggle automatic powerup on and off (when entering the TARDIS). Permission: tardis.prefs.auto_powerup | /tardisprefs auto_powerup [on|off] |
auto_siege | Toggle automatic Siege Mode on and off (when the Time Lord dies). Permission: tardis.prefs.auto_siege | /tardisprefs submarine [on|off] |
beacon | Toggle whether the TARDIS beacon is only on while travelling. Permission: tardis.prefs.beacon | /tardisprefs beacon [on|off] |
build | Toggle companion building inside the TARDIS on and off. Permission: | /tardisprefs build [on|off] |
chameleon | Toggle the chameleon circuit on and off. Permission: tardis.prefs.chameleon | /tardisprefs chameleon [on|off] |
difficulty | Change your personal difficulty level. Permission: tardis.prefs.difficulty | /tardisprefs difficulty [easy|medium|hard] |
dnd | Annoyed by other players time travelling to your location?Toggle whether other players can request travel/rescue to you. Permission: tardis.prefs.dnd | /tardisprefs dnd [on|off] |
eps | Toggle Emergency Programme One on and off. Permission: tardis.prefs.eps | /tardisprefs eps [on|off] |
eps_message | Set the Emergency Programme One message. Permission: tardis.prefs.eps_message | /tardisprefs eps_message [message] |
farm | Toggle mob farming on and off. Requires the appropriate room, or allow.spawn_eggs set to true in the TARDIS config.Permission: | /tardisprefs farm [on|off] |
flight | Set the TARDIS flight mode. Permission: tardis.prefs.flight | /tardisprefs flight [normal|regulator|manual] |
floor | Set the TARDIS room growing floor material. [material] is a block from the list on the Wall materials page.Permission: tardis.prefs.floor | /tardisprefs floor [material] |
forcefield | Toggle the TARDIS forcefield on and off. Permission: tardis.prefs.forcefield | /tardisprefs forcefield [on|off] |
hads | Toggle HADS on and off. Permission: tardis.prefs.hads | /tardisprefs hads [on|off] |
hads_type | Set the TARDIS HADS type. Permission: tardis.prefs.hads_type | /tardisprefs hads_type [dispersal|displacement] |
hum | Sets the TARDIS interior hum sound. The sounds are called alien , atmosphere , computer , copper , coral , galaxy , learning , mind , neon , sleeping , void , random Permission: tardis.prefs.hum | /tardisprefs hum [sound] |
info | Set the TARDIS Information System mode. If turned on, the mode is set to use a GUI - off uses chat. Permission: | /tardisprefs info [on|off] |
isomorphic | Toggle isomorphic controls on and off. Permission: tardis.prefs.isomorphic | /tardisprefs isomorphic [on|off] |
junk | Toggle Junk mode on and off. Permission: tardis.prefs.junk | /tardisprefs junk [on|off] |
key | Set the TARDIS key item. The server admin may have restricted the list of items that may be used for the TARDIS Key. Use auto-completion to see a list of available items e.g. type /tardisprefs key then press the TAB key.Permission: tardis.prefs.key | /tardisprefs key [material] |
key_menu | Open the TARDIS Key preferences GUI. Permission: tardis.prefs.key_menu | /tardisprefs key_menu |
language | Set the language used in the '/tardis say' command. Permission: tardis.prefs.language | /tardisprefs language [language] |
lanterns | Toggle Sea Lanterns for lights on and off. Permission: tardis.prefs.lanterns | /tardisprefs lanterns [on|off] |
message | Set the Emergency Programme One message. Permission: tardis.prefs.message | /tardisprefs eps_message [message] |
minecart | Toggle default Minecraft SFX on and off. If the server admin has disabled sound effects in the plugin config, this command will have no effect. Permission: tardis.prefs.minecart | /tardisprefs minecart [on|off] |
quotes | Toggle the TARDIS quotes on and off. Permission: tardis.prefs.quotes | /tardisprefs quotes [on|off] |
renderer | Toggle entering the Renderer room after scanning on and off. Permission: tardis.prefs.renderer | /tardisprefs renderer [on|off] |
sfx | Toggle the TARDIS sound effects on and off. If the server admin has disabled sound effects in the plugin config, this command will have no effect. Permission: tardis.prefs.sfx | /tardisprefs sfx [on|off] |
siege_floor | Set the block used for the TARDIS floor when Siege Mode is engaged, where [material] is a block from the list on the Wall materials page. This setting has no effect if siege.textures is false is set in the config.Permission: tardis.prefs.siege_floor | /tardisprefs siege_floor [block type] |
siege_wall | Set the block used for the TARDIS walls when Siege Mode is engaged, where [material] is a block from the list on the Wall materials page. This setting has no effect if siege.textures is false is set in the config.Permission: tardis.prefs.siege_wall | /tardisprefs siege_wall [block type] |
sign | Toggle the Police Box 'name' sign on and off. Permission: tardis.prefs.sign | /tardisprefs sign [on|off] |
sonic | Open the Sonic Screwdriver preferences GUI. Permission: tardis.prefs.sonic | /tardisprefs sonic |
submarine | Toggle submarine landings on and off. Permission: tardis.prefs.submarine | /tardisprefs submarine [on|off] |
translate | Set the languages and player used when auto translating messages. Permission: tardis.prefs.translate | /tardisprefs translate [language to] [language from] [player] |
travelbar | Toggle the travel remaining progress bar on and off. Permission: tardis.prefs.travelbar | /tardisprefs travelbar [on|off] |
wall | Set the TARDIS room growing wall material. [material] is a block from the list on the Wall materials page.Permission: tardis.prefs.wall | /tardisprefs wall [material] |
To change the look of your TARDIS Key, type:
/tardisprefs key_menu
This requires the TARDIS-Resource-Pack to see the different key textures. Use the command to open the TARDIS Key GUI.
To change the TARDIS key texture:
- Place your key in the lower left slot and then select the key of your choice
- To change the colour of the key’s display name, click the wool block to choose a colour
- Remove your key and close the GUI
Sonic Screwdriver GUI
To change the look of your Sonic Screwdriver, type:
/tardisprefs sonic
This requires the TARDIS-Resource-Pack to see the different sonic textures. Use the command to open the Sonic Screwdriver GUI.
To change the screwdriver texture:
- Place your sonic in the lower left slot and then select the screwdriver of your choice
- To change the colour of the sonic’s display name, click the wool block to choose a colour
- Remove your screwdriver and close the GUI
These preferences are not available in version 6.0.0
of the plugin.
Arguments | Description | Usage |
plain | Toggle the plain TARDIS on and off (no sign or lamp). Permission: tardis.prefs.plain | /tardisprefs plain [on|off] |
policebox_textures | Toggle Police Box textures on and off (biome for CTM is set / not set at the TARDIS' location). Permission: tardis.prefs.policebox_textures | /tardisprefs policebox_textures [on|off] |
wool_lights | hoose whether to use black wool or sponge (re-textured with the TARDIS Resource Pack to look like Redstone Lamp Off blocks) for the off state of the TARDIS lights. Permission: tardis.prefs.wool_lights | /tardisprefs wool_lights [on|off] |
ctm | Choose whether your Police Box preset uses the Connected Textures Mod to change the block to the left of the door to a quartz pillar that is retextured to the Police Box sign (players without the mod installed will see a plain quartz pillar instead of the regular blue wool when this is on ).Permission: tardis.prefs.ctm | /tardisprefs ctm [on|off] |
lanterns | Set whether your TARDIS console uses lanterns or redstone lamps. on means that the console will use sea lanterns, toggle the lights off and on to see the change.Permission: tardis.prefs.lanterns | /tardisprefs lanterns [on|off] |