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Admin Commands

This page contains all /tardisadmin sub-commands. Every command requires the tardis.admin permission node.


archView an ‘arched’ player’s real name, or with the force argument, toggle arch status. See also the Chameleon Arch page.
/tardisadmin arch [player] <force>
assembleClear HADS dispersal trackers or list dispersed TARDISes.
/tardisadmin assemble [clear|list]
chunksList chunks that are being kept loaded by TARDIS.
/tardisadmin chunks
condenserSet the chest you are targeting in game, as the server’s community Artron Condenser - see Server condenser.
/tardisadmin condenser
convert_databaseConvert an SQLite database to MySQL.
/tardisadmin convert_database
createCreate a TARDIS for a player. The TARDIS exterior will appear on the block that the command sender is targeting.
/tardisadmin create [player] [schematic] <wall> <floor>
dechargeRemove the specified beacon recharger from the config.
/tardisadmin decharge [name]
deleteDelete a player’s TARDIS.
/tardisadmin delete [player]
disguiseDisguise a player as the specified entity type.
/tardisadmin disguise [player] [entity type]
dispersedClear the dispersed status of all TARDISes, or list which TARDISes are currently dispersed by HADS.
/tardisadmin dispersed [clear|list]
enterEnter a player’s TARDIS (by direct teleport instead of the door).
Permission: tardis.skeletonkey
/tardisadmin enter [player]
findSearches for hidden TARDISs or empty blocks with TARDIS protection on them around a player’s location with an optional distance parameter. If protected blocks are found, click the listing in chat to remove the protection.
/tardisadmin find [distance]
listList TARDISs and their locations (or save them to file), plus list open portals / abandoned TARDISes / Blueprints.
/tardisadmin list [page no.|save|portals|abandoned|blueprints] <blueprint type>
make_presetCreate a custom chameleon preset file - see Custom presets.
/tardisadmin make_preset [name] [asymmetric:true|false]
mazeCreate a 11 x 11 block maze starting at the targeted block.
/tardisadmin maze
mvimportImport Multiverse worlds into TARDIS's planets.yml.
/tardisadmin mvimport
playercountCheck or set a player’s TARDIS count.
/tardisadmin playercount [player] <count>
pruneRemove TARDISes that haven’t been used for an extended period. See the Prune page for more details.
/tardisadmin prune [number of days]
prunelistList TARDISes that haven’t been used for an extended period.
/tardisadmin prunelist [number of days]
purgeRemove all database entries for the named player.
/tardisadmin purge [player]
purge_portalsClear all data associated with walking into the TARDIS (they’ll still work, just toggle open the door again)
/tardisadmin purge_portals
rechargerSet the beacon block you are looking at, as a TARDIS recharge station.
/tardisadmin recharger [name]
region_flagSets the WorldGuard entry or exit flags for all regions in the TARDIS default_world. See info below.
/tardisadmin region_flag [entry|exit]
repairSet a player’s TARDIS repair count.
/tardisadmin repair [player] [amount]
revokeRemove a blueprint permission from a player.
/tardisadmin revoke [player] [permission]
set_sizeSet a player’s console size/type in the database.
/tardisadmin set_size [player] [size]
spwan_abandonedSpawn an abandoned TARDIS - see Spawning abandoned TARDISes.
/tardisadmin spawn_abandoned [SCHEMATIC] [PRESET] [DIRECTION] world x y z
undisguiseRemove a disguise from a player.
/tardisadmin undisguise [player]
update_pluginsDownload the latest TARDIS plugin from the Jenkins server. Restart the server to update the plugin.
/tardisadmin update_plugins

The actual commands run for /tardisadmin region_flag entry are:

/rg flag [region_id] exit -w [world_name]
/rg flag [region_id] entry -w [world_name] -g nonmembers deny

And /tardisadmin region_flag exit:

/rg flag [region_id] entry -w [world_name]
/rg flag [region_id] exit -w [world_name] -g everyone deny
/rg flag [region_id] use -w [world_name] allow
/rg flag [region_id] chest-access -w [world_name]