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TARDIS Genetic Manipulator (AKA Lazarus Device)


Although not required, the Genetic Manipulator works best when the following two plugins are installed alongside TARDIS:

Genetic manipulation will still work without LibsDisguises, but the changes will only be visible to other players, not yourself.

Genetic Manipulation

The Lazarus Device is a hypersonic soundwave manipulator invented by Professor Richard Lazarus. The machine can turn anyone inside decades younger, but the process contains a side effect: genes that evolution rejected and left dormant would be unlocked, transforming the human into a beast that fed off the lifeforce of living creatures.

If you have the permission tardis.lazarus, you too can transform yourself into an animal or monster by growing a Lazarus room and stepping into the genetic manipulator:

  • Grow a ‘LAZARUS’ room using ARS or the /tardis room lazarus command (you’ll need the permission
  • Once the room is grown, step into the Genetic Manipulator and trigger the wood pressure plate
  • The Genetic Manipulator GUI will open automatically
  • Select an animal or monster to turn into — if the TARDIS WeepingAngels plugin is installed you can also choose to be any Whovian monster provided by the plugin
  • To transform into the mob, click the “Modify my genetic material” button
  • Wait while the Genetic Manipulator reconfigures your DNA
  • When it is done exit, and go off to scare your friends :)

To return to yourself again, you have two options:

  • Re-enter the Genetic Manipulator and when the GUI opens, click the “Restore my original genetic material” button, OR
  • Log off the server

Immortality Gate

The Immortality Gate is a complex device of Vinvocci design. The Master understood that the device had been developed to heal the population of entire planets, thus enabling him to pass on his biodata to every human on the planet, thereby turning them all into versions of himself.

If you have the permission tardis.themaster, you can turn everybody on the server into a version of yourself as well.

  • Enter the Genetic Manipulator as usual
  • Click the button labelled “The Master’s reverse polarity button”
  • Click the “Modify my genetic material” button
  • Laugh maniacally as the server population becomes the Master Race!

After 3 minutes, Lord Rassilon himself will step in and restore the human race back their normal form.

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