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Mob Farming

You can capture farm animals in the Police Box and transport them into the TARDIS.

The mobs you can collect are:

  • Bee
  • Fish
  • Pandas
  • Chicken
  • Cow
  • Pig
  • Sheep
  • Mooshroom
  • Horse
  • Llama
  • Rabbit
  • Villager
  • Guardian
  • Polar Bear
  • Axolotl
  • Frog
  • Camel
  • Sniffer
  • Strider
  • Allay

You will first need to herd the mobs so that they are close to the Police Box (within 2 blocks) — using the appropriate tempt item in hand should make them follow you — sometimes you may be lucky enough to have the Police Box materialise around an animal!

Enter the TARDIS as usual, and the following will happen:

  • If you have already grown an allay room, then allays will be teleported into the allay house
  • If you have already grown an apiary room, then bees will be teleported into the apiary
  • If you have already grown an aquarium room, then fish will be teleported into the aquarium
  • If you have already grown a bamboo room, then pandas will be teleported into the bamboo room
  • If you have already grown a farm room, then chickens, cows, pigs, sheep and mooshrooms will be teleported into the appropriate pen in the farm
  • If you have already grown a iistubil room, then camels will be teleported into the iistubil room
  • If you have already grown a lava room, then striders will be teleported into the lava room
  • If you have already grown a stable room, then horses will be teleported into the stable
  • If you have already grown a stall room, then llamas will be teleported into the stall
  • If you have already grown a hutch room, then rabbits will be teleported into the hutch room
  • If you have already grown an igloo room, then polar bears will be teleported into the igloo room
  • If you have already grown an geode room, then axolotls will be teleported into the geode room
  • If you have already grown an mangrove room, then frogs will be teleported into the mangrove room
  • If you have already grown an pen room, then sniffers will be teleported into the pen room
  • If you have already grown a pool room and the allow.guardians config option is set to true, then guardians will be teleported into the pool
  • If you have already grown a village room, then villagers will be teleported into the village room
  • If no appropriate room is available (and if allowed in the TARDIS config), then the spawn eggs for the mobs are placed in the player’s inventory.

In order to use the spawn eggs, you may need to remove mob_spawning: deny from the TARDIS world’s region file if you are using WorldGuard — from TARDIS v2.8 and later growing the appropriate room automatically allows mob spawning in those rooms (but not monsters!)

Non-op players require the permission:

Sheep in TARDIS

Chicken pen

Horses in TARDIS

Ejecting farmed mobs and villagers

As of TARDIS version 3.1-beta-1, you can now eject farmed mobs, villagers and companions.

To eject an entity, use the /tardis eject command, then click the mob/villager/companion you want to eject. They will be teleported outside the TARDIS, what you do with them then is up to you.

Horses must still be ridden over the wood pressure plate.


There are a couple of exceptions to the rule with companion ejection — if the player is an OP or the player has tardis.admin permission they will NOT be ejected.

Farming preferences

As of TARDIS version 5.4.0b2800, you can now control which mobs are farmed into the TARDIS. To change your farming preferences:

  • Open the Sonic Preferences menu

    Player prefs

  • Make sure mob farming is turned on

  • Click the Farming Preferences button

    Farming preferences

  • Use the wool blocks to toggle mobs/rooms on and off