The TARDIS plugin supports companions so you can travel with your friends!
You can allow other players to travel with you in the TARDIS. You must first add the player’s name to the TARDIS companion list. To do this:
Use the command:
/tardis add [player]
To add players to the TARDIS companion list.
Use the command:
/tardis remove [player]
To remove players from the TARDIS companion list.
Companions GUI
You can also manage companions from the Companions GUI. The GUI is accessible from the TARDIS Control Menu.
- vanilla
- tardis
When you first open the Companions GUI, you will be shown a list of your current companions. Use the buttons to add new companions from a list of online players, or remove a companion from the list.
- vanilla
- tardis
- vanilla
- tardis
Companions can enter the TARDIS at anytime, unless the door is dead-locked by the Time Lord owner. Companion players
will also need (as a minimum) the permission tardis.enter
Once inside the TARDIS, anyone can use the controls unless they have been locked by the Time Lord owner.
To lock controls, you use the /tardisprefs
/tardisprefs isomorphic [on|off]
List companions
To list your companions, type the command:
/tardis list companions
To list the companions currently in your TARDIS, type the command:
/tardis inside
You can prevent anyone — including companions and yourself — from entering the TARDIS by locking the Police Box door. To do this, LEFT-click the door with your TARDIS key.