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The Remote command

This command lets you remotely control a TARDIS, and is useful for server admins and command blocks.


travelMake a player’s TARDIS travel to the specified location. Travel options are:
  • home
  • area [area name]
  • coordinates e.g. world x y z

/tardisremote [player] travel [home|area|coords]
comehereMake a player’s TARDIS come to the currently targeted block
/tardisremote [player] comehere
hideHide a player’s TARDIS
/tardisremote [player] hide
rebuildRebuild a player’s TARDIS
/tardisremote [player] rebuild
backMake a player’s TARDIS travel to its previous location
/tardisremote [player] back
  • can be run from command blocks, but the specified player must be online
  • if the player who is running the command does NOT have tardis.admin permission, then the normal checks are performed (energy/permissions/circuits/plugin respect etc for the specified player)
  • use via Command Block will fail silently if above checks fail, as we can’t message a command block...
  • if player has tardis.admin permission then no energy is used / only basic checks performed (so we’re not griefing anything)
  • comehere comes to the currently targeted block (only available to TARDIS admin players)
