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TARDIS Keyboard

You can add a TARDIS keyboard to set destinations.

Keyboard sign

To use it:

  1. Place a sign in the TARDIS control room

  2. Use the command /tardis update keyboard, then click the sign

  3. Right-click the sign to start editing

  4. Enter a destination on the first line or coordinates (world,x,y,z) on four lines. Note: You will need to change the sign to trigger a sign change event. The destination can be:

    • a save name
    • an area name
    • a player name
    • a biome name
    • home
    • cave
    • village
    • coordinates
      • world name on line 1
      • x coordinate on line 2
      • y coordinate on line 3
      • z coordinate on line 4
  5. Click done and the destination will be set (providing it is a valid destination)

  6. Release the handbrake to travel
