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The TARDIS Control Menu

From TARDIS version 3.6 and higher, the TARDIS Control Menu is the main way to access the TARDIS’s functions. Previously the TARDIS had multiple signs scattered throughout the console to access its various GUIs. The TARDIS Control Menu brings them all together in one place.

The TARDIS Control Menu sign displays information about the TARDIS’s location and Artron Energy levels.

TARDIS Control Menu sign

If you have an existing TARDIS without the Control Menu, you can add it by placing a sign where you want the Control Menu to be, and running the command:

/tardis update control

Click on the sign and its position will be added to the TARDIS database.

Control Menu use

To use the TARDIS Control Menu, right-click on the Control Menu sign, or right-click the screen on the integrated modelled console.

TARDIS Control Menu

The Control Menu opens, giving you a range of buttons grouped by type / colour. Hover over each button to see what it does. The button functions are explained below:

TARDIS Travel functions

Random LocationrandSets a random destination based on the position of the console world, x, z and multiplier repeaters.
Saved LocationssavesOpens the TARDIS Saves GUI.
Fast ReturnbackSets the destination to the last location the TARDIS travelled to.
TARDIS AreasareasOpens the TARDIS Areas GUI.
Destination TerminaldestOpens the destination terminal.

TARDIS Interior functions

Architectural Reconfiguration SystemarsOpens the Architectural Reconfiguration GUI.
Desktop ThemethemeOpens the Desktop Theme GUI.
PowerpowerToggles the TARDIS power on and off.
Light SwitchlightsToggles the TARDIS lamps on and off.
Toggle blocks behind doortoggleRemoves or places the wool behind the TARDIS door.
TARDIS MapmapOpens the TARDIS Map GUI.

TARDIS Exterior functions

Chameleon CircuitchamOpens the Chameleon Circuit GUI.
Siege ModesiegeToggles Siege Mode on and off.
HidehideHides the TARDIS exterior.
RebuildrebuildRebuilds the TARDIS exterior.
DirectionnwseChanges the direction the TARDIS exterior faces.
Temporal LocatortemporalOpens the Temporal Locator GUI.

TARDIS Information functions

Artron Energy LevelsartronDisplays the current TARDIS Artron Energy levels.
ScannerscanPerforms a scan of the TARDIS current (or next if set) destination.
TARDIS Information SystemhideOpens the TARDIS Information System chat interface.
TransmathideOpens the TARDIS Transmat locations GUI.

Miscellaneous functions

Zero Room transmatartronTransmats the player into the Zero Room.
Player PreferencesscanOpens the Player Prefs Menu GUI.
CompanionsscanOpens the Companions GUI.
ClosecloseClose the TARDIS Control Menu GUI.