📄️ Installation
Get the latest TARDIS plugin file from the Downloads page.
📄️ Updating from v4.x.x to v5.x.x
Version 5 of the TARDIS plugin combines all the separate TARDIS plugins (_TARDISChunkGenerator, TARDISVortexManipulator,
📄️ Changes in TARDIS version 6
Version 6 of the TARDIS plugin contains some major rewrites of the plugin's code to update it to reflect the way Minecraft has changed custom item models.
📄️ Creating a TARDIS
To create a TARDIS, you first need to craft a TARDIS seed block. The crafting recipe depends on which version of the
📄️ Companions
The TARDIS plugin supports companions so you can travel with your friends!
🗃️ Artron Energy
6 items
📄️ Entering and exiting the TARDIS
From TARDIS v2.9-beta-1 the entry and exit mechanics of the plugin have changed, and you can now walk in and
📄️ Removing the TARDIS
To delete your TARDIS use the command /tardis exterminate. On Java, you will be asked to confirm your decision by clicking a