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Writing Save and Player Disks

Save Storage Disks and Player Storage Disks can have data written to them using a command while holding the appropriate disk in hand.

Crafting the blank disks

You will need a blank storage disk first — /tardisrecipe blank-storage-disk

  • By default a Save Storage Disk is crafted with a Blank Storage Disk and a Redstone.
  • By default a Player Storage Disk is crafted with a Blank Storage Disk and a Lapis Block.

Check the recipes using the /tardisrecipe [save-storage-disk|player-storage-disk] command.

Writing Save Disks

While holding a blank Save Storage Disk in your hand, type the command:

/tardis save [save name]

The current location, direction, preset and submarine status will be written to the disk.

Writing Player Disks

While holding a blank Player Storage Disk in your hand, type the command:

/tardis save_player [player]

The player’s name will be written to the disk.

Erasing disks

You can erase any craftable storage disk using the command:

/tardis erase

Hold the disk in your hand when you use the command.