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Circuit use and repair

If configured (difficulty.circuits: true and circuits.damage: true), circuits can become damaged after use. When the tardis malfunctions there is a 50% chance that a circuit will become damaged even more than usual.

circuit uses


Circuit use will decrease in the following circumstances:

CircuitUsed when
arsclicking the ‘Reconfigure’ button in the ARS GUI
chameleonclicking the ‘Apply preset now’ button in the Chameleon Circuit GUI
inputsetting a destination with the Destination Terminal
invisibilityselecting the Invisibility preset in the Chameleon Circuit GUI
materialisationthe TARDIS re-materialises after travelling
memoryprocessing a disk in the Advanced Console
randomisergetting a random destination in the Advanced Console
scannerpressing the Scanner button
telepathicsearching for a cave, structure or biome travel location
temporalsetting the time in the Temporal Locator GUI


Circuits can be repaired by combining them with redstone in an anvil.

You need to click the output slot to make the repair. One redstone gives one level of use.

circuit repair

circuit repaired

Configuration options

The defaults are shown below:

damage: false
ars: 20
chameleon: 25
input: 50
invisibility: 5
materialisation: 50
memory: 20
randomiser: 50
scanner: 20
telepathic: 20
temporal: 20
Sets whether circuits get damaged after each use. Setting this to false (the default) means circuits have unlimited uses.
Sets the maximum number of uses a circuit has before it is vapourised. Setting this to 0 gives unlimited uses for that circuit.