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Updating from v4.x.x to v5.x.x

Version 5 of the TARDIS plugin combines all the separate TARDIS plugins (TARDISChunkGenerator, TARDISVortexManipulator, TARDISWeepingAngels, TARDISShop and TARDISSonicBlaster) into a modularised all-in-one plugin.

The relevant configuration section is shown below:

# modules
# are disabled by default
weeping_angels: false
vortex_manipulator: false
mapping: false
shop: false
sonic_blaster: false
blueprints: false
chemistry: false # May be true if allow.chemistry was true

If you are updating from a previous version and have been using any of the other separate plugins, you will need to transfer configuration settings and database records to the unified plugin.

To do this:

  1. Uninstall the separate standalone plugins, but leave their data folders in the plugins folder.
  2. Install and run TARDIS v5.x.x once, to allow the plugin to generate the necessary config files and database entries.
  3. Stop the server.
  4. Edit the TARDIS config file - enable the modules that you require.
  5. Restart the server, TARDIS will automatically transfer configuration settings and database records.

You can learn more about modules here.

Updating mushroom blocks and lamps

The new plugin no longer uses unused mushroom block states to display custom TARDIS blocks. If you want to convert your console and rooms to use custom Item Display entities, you can use the command /tardis update display_items.

To convert lamps to custom display lights you have two options:

  • use light switch to toggle the lights off and back on again, or
  • repair the console using the Desktop Theme GUI
  • The /tardis lamps command now only works for LIGHT blocks.
  • There is the potential to walk/fall through light blocks - if you are placing your own lights, make sure they have a block behind or under them so you don't fall into the time vortex.