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TARDIS Telepathic Circuit

Players can craft a Telepathic Circuit for their TARDIS which will allow a companion to run any /tardis or /tardistravel command for the TARDIS that they are in.

To view the crafting recipe use the command:

/tardisrecipe telepathic-circuit

Telepathic Circuit recipe

Player preferences

To turn the Telepathic Circuit on or off use the Sonic preferences GUI, or the command:

/tardisprefs telepathy [on|off]
  • Requires the player to have the permission tardis.prefs.telepathy.


To place or change the location of the Telepathic Circuit use the command:

/tardis update telepathic-circuit


Companions should right-click the telepathic circuit, then they can run /tardis or /tardistravel commands that will affect the TARDIS they are in (rather than their own TARDIS if they have one).

  • The Time Lord of the TARDIS must be online to use telepathic commands
  • Companions can also rescue the Time Lord of a TARDIS using the Telepathic Circuit.