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Temporal Locator

The Temporal Locator lets players set their time relative to the server time. The Temporal Locator is accessible via the TARDIS Control Menu GUI, or you can place a sign and use the /tardis update temporal command.

In the Control Menu click the Time button (or if using a separate Temporal Locator sign, right-click it) to open the inventory based GUI. You will see a screen like the one below.

  • Click a clock to set your time to the one displayed
  • Time is set when exiting the TARDIS and reset back to server time when re-entering the TARDIS
  • When players are temporally located, the perception filter is added to them
  • Player time can be reset at any time by right-clicking air with a clock
  • Players need tardis.temporal permission to use it

Temporal Locator

Huh, what?

This doesn’t change the server time, that runs as normal, this just sets the player’s time on the client, e.g.:

  • server time is 7000 ticks (morning)
  • eccentric_nz has Temporal Location of 20000 ticks he will see the world at night
  • eccentric_nz will NOT see zombie’s spawning because the server time is morning
  • thenosefairy is standing next to eccentric_nz and is NOT temporally located
  • thenosefairy will see the world in the same time as the server i.e. morning

Temporal Locator