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Destination Terminal

The Destination Terminal is an alternative way to set a time travel location. You can place a sign inside the TARDIS and use the /tardis update terminal command to add a Destination Terminal, or use the button in the TARDIS Control Menu.

To use the Destination Terminal, right-click it to open the inventory based GUI. You will see a screen like the one below. The basic functions of the GUI are the same as when using the repeaters on the TARDIS console — you can set the x and z coordinates, a distance multiplier, and a world type. The Destination Terminal also lets you select the TARDIS submarine mode for travelling under water.

Destination Terminal

Key to the blocks

First row: Step levels — these control how much the x, z and multiplier values change.

  • Step 10 Step 10
  • Step 25 Step 25
  • Step 50 Step 50
  • Step 100 Step 100

Second row: x coordinate.

  • -ve x Make x move towards negative
  • x coordinate x coordinate value
  • +ve x Make x move towards positive

Third row: z coordinate.

  • -ve z Make z move towards negative
  • z coordinate z coordinate value
  • +ve z Make z move towards positive

Fourth row: distance multiplier.

  • less Make multiplier less
  • multiplier Multiplier value
  • more Make multiplier bigger

Fifth row: world/environment type.

  • current world Use current world
  • random Random overworld
  • nether A Nether world
  • the end An End world
  • submarine Submarine mode

Bottom row: check/set destination.

  • check Check destination
  • set Set destination
  • cancel Cancel


Slightly outdated, but you’ll get the idea...