TARDIS sub commands
A list of all the /tardis
sub commands.
Arguments | Description | Usage |
abandon | Abandon your current TARDIS. Permission: tardis.abandon | /tardis abandon |
abort | Stop growing a TARDIS room. Permission: tardis.room | /tardis abort [task ID number] |
add | Add a companion that can travel with you in your TARDIS. Permission: tardis.add | /tardis add [player name] |
arch_time | Display the time that a player must remain Chameleon arched. Permission: tardis.chameleonarch | /tardis arch_time |
archive | Archive your current TARDIS console. Permission: tardis.archive | /tardis archive [scan | add | remove | update | description | y] [name] <y_value> |
arsremove | Remove the TARDIS' ARS records so that manual room growing can be used. Permission: tardis.use | /tardis arsremove |
bell | Toggle the TARDIS Cloister Bell on and off. Permission: tardis.use | /tardis bell [on | off] |
check_loc | Checks the location the player is targeting is suitable for landing the TARDIS. Permission: tardis.use | /tardis check_loc |
colourise | Allows a player to change the colour of their TARDIS beacon glass with a Sonic Screwdriver. Permission: tardis.upgrade | /tardis colourise |
comehere | Make the TARDIS come to the block you are looking at. Permission: tardis.timetravel | /tardis comehere |
construct | Set the sign text of the TARDIS CONSTRUCT Chameleon preset. Permission: tardis.use | /tardis construct [line number] [text with optional colour code] |
cube | Show a list of players who are carrying a Siege Cube. Permission: tardis.find | /tardis cube |
desktop | Open the Desktop Theme GUI. Permission: tardis.upgrade | /tardis desktop |
direction | Change the direction the Police Box door is facing. Permission: tardis.timetravel | /tardis direction [north | west | south | east] |
door | Opens or closes the TARDIS door. Permission: tardis.use | /tardis door [open | close] |
egg | Play the Doctor Who Theme (requires TARDIS Resource Pack). Permission: tardis.use | /tardis egg [SIXTY_THREE | ZERO_FIVE | TWENTY_TWENTY | RANDOM] |
eject | Allows a player to eject entities from their TARDIS. Permission: tardis.eject | /tardis eject |
ep1 | Allows a player to make Emergency Programme One appear. Permission: tardis.use | /tardis abandon |
erase | Allows a player to erase the TARDIS Storage Disk they have in their hand. Permission: tardis.storage | /tardis erase |
excite | Allows a player to initiate atmospheric exitation around their TARDIS. Permission: tardis.atmospheric | /tardis excite |
exterminate | Delete your TARDIS. Permission: tardis.exterminate | /tardis exterminate |
find | Shows you the location of your TARDIS. Permission: tardis.find | /tardis find |
handbrake | Allows a player to toggle the TARDIS handbrake on or off. Permission: tardis.use | /tardis handbrake [on | off] |
help | View TARDIS help pages. | /tardis help [command] |
hide | Hide the TARDIS Police Box. Permission: tardis.rebuild | /tardis hide |
home | Save a time travel location as home. Permission: tardis.home | /tardis home |
inside | List players inside your TARDIS. Permission: tardis.use | /tardis inside |
item | Allows a player to update TARDIS circuits from previous versions to the newer custom model data item. Permission: tardis.use | /tardis item [hand | inventory] |
jettison | Remove a TARDIS room. Permission: tardis.room | /tardis jettison [room type] |
lamps | Scan the main control room for new or moved lamp blocks. Permission: tardis.use | /tardis lamps |
list | List saved time travel locations, companions, areas and rechargers. Permission: tardis.list | /tardis list [saves | companions | areas | rechargers] |
make_her_blue | Makes the TARDIS visible again if it was using the INVISIBLE preset. Permission: tardis.use | /tardis make_her_blue |
monsters | Reset monster spawning or kill all monsters in the TARDIS. Permission: tardis.use | /tardis monsters [ reset | kill ] |
namekey | Rename the TARDIS key Item. Permission: tardis.timetravel | Hold the key in your hand, then type /tardis namekey [new name] |
occupy | Toggle TARDIS occupation. Permission: tardis.timetravel | /tardis occupy |
rebuild | Rebuild the TARDIS. Permission: tardis.rebuild | /tardis rebuild |
remove | Remove a companion from your TARDIS. Permission: tardis.add | /tardis remove [ player name | all ] |
removesave | Delete a saved destination. Permission: tardis.save | /tardis removesave [name] |
renamesave | Rename a saved destination. Permission: tardis.save | /tardis renamesave [old name] [new name] |
reordersave | Reorder a saved destination in the TARDIS Saves GUI. Permission: tardis.save | /tardis reordersave [name] [slot number] |
rescue | Rescue a player in the TARDIS. Permission: tardis.timetravel.rescue | /tardis rescue [player] |
room | Grow a TARDIS room. Permission: tardis.room | /tardis room [room type | help] |
save | Save the current location of the TARDIS Police Box. Permission: tardis.save | /tardis save [name] <true> |
save_player | Allows a player to save a Player to a blank TARDIS Storage Disk. Permission: tardis.storage | /tardis save_player [player] |
saveicon | Change a saved destinations icon in the TARDIS Saves GUI. Permission: tardis.save | /tardis saveicon [save] [material] |
secondary | Set secondary TARDIS controls. Permission: tardis.update | /tardis secondary [ button | world-repeater | x-repeater | z-repeater | y-repeater | artron | handbrake | door ] |
section | Open the TARDIS Update chat GUI. Permission: tardis.update | /tardis section |
setdest | Save a destination determined by the block you are looking at. Permission: tardis.save | /tardis setdest [name] |
tagtheood | Display the 'Tag the Ood' game statistics. Permission: tardis.tag | /tardis tagtheood |
transmat | Teleports to or sets an internal TARDIS transmat location. Permission: tardis.transmat | /tardis transmat [ tp | add | update | remove | list ] [name] |
update | Modify the interior of the TARDIS. Permission: tardis.update | /tardis update [ advanced | allay | ars | artron | back | backdoor | bamboo | beacon | bell | birdcage | button | chameleon | condenser | control | creeper | direction | dispenser | door | eps | exterior-lamp | farm | flight | forcefield | frame | fuel | generator | handbrake | hinge | hutch | igloo | iistubil | info | keyboard | lava| light | light-level | map | monitor | monitor-frame | pen | rail | relativity-differentiator | rotor | save-sign | scanner | siege | smelt | stable | stall | storage | telepathic | temporal | terminal | throttle | toggle-wool | vault | village | weather | world-repeater | x-repeater | y-repeater | z-repeater | zero ]
version | Display the TARDIS plugin and CraftBukkit version. | /tardis version |