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Artron Furnace

TARDIS Artron Furnaces are special furnaces that can use Artron Storage Cells for fuel (as well as coal and other fuels).

Anyone can craft an Artron Furnace, but only players with the tardis.furnace permission can place them.

To view the recipe use the /tardisrecipe atron-furnace command.

Artron Furnace recipe

There is a custom texture and a custom sound for the Artron Furnace if you have the TARDIS-Resource-Pack or TARDISSound resource packs installed in the client.

Artron Furnace textures


You set configuration options in artron.yml, the default settings are shown below.

burn_limit: 100000
burn_time: 0.5
cook_time: 0.5
particles: true
The maximum amount of burn time a fully charged Artron Storage Cell can have.
Sets the length of time an Artron Storage Cell will burn for — as above fractions (0.5) will give shorter life to the cells, > 1 will extend the burn time, 1.0 = normal burn time (same as coal)
Sets the cook time for items smelted with Artron Storage Cells — 0.5 is half the normal time, 2.0 would be twice normal speed (longer), 1.0 = normal cook time (same as coal)
Whether to display particles on the furnace block

The actual burn time is calculated like so:

burn_limit * burn_time * (cell_charge_level / full_charge)

The default settings mean that the Artron Furnace cooks quickly but doesn't burn as long.