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Archiving TARDIS consoles

In TARDIS version 3.7 and higher you can archive a custom TARDIS console for use in the Desktop Theme GUI.


Players will need the permission tardis.archive

Config options

enabled: true
limit: 3
OptionTypeDefault Value
 Sets whether archiving of consoles is allowed on the server.
 Sets the number of archives that can be saved per player.


/tardis archive [scan|add|remove|update|description] [name]

/tardis archive scan — scan the current console to check whether it can successfully be archived. You should run this command before using /tardis archive add [name]

/tardis archive add [name] — save an archived schematic with the given name.

/tardis archive remove [name] — delete an archived schematic with the given name. You cannot remove an archive that is currently in use.

/tardis archive update [name] — update an archived schematic with the given name if you have made new / extra changes to the console.

/tardis archive description [name] — set the descripton text of the archived console that shows in the TARDIS Archive GUI.


The GUI is accessed by clicking the Archive Consoles button in the Desktop Theme GUI.

Archive button

The TARDIS Archive GUI opens, and shows any consoles that have already been saved along with three buttons. The button functions are explained below:


Console(s)Stained clayClicking this changes the desktop theme to the selected archived console.
SizesizeUse this to set the size of the console to archive. Clicking the button multiple times will cycle through the three different sizes.
ScanscanUse this to scan the current console to check whether it can successfully be archived.
ArchivearchiveArchives the current console. A random console name will be generated — if you want to name the console yourself, use the /tardis archive add [name] command.
SmallsmallChanges the Desktop Theme to the small (16 x 16 x 16 block) cobblestone template.
MediummediumChanges the Desktop Theme to the medium (32 x 16 x 32 block) cobblestone template.
TalltallChanges the Desktop Theme to the tall (32 x 32 x 32 block) cobblestone template.
ClosecloseClose the TARDIS Archive GUI.