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The TARDIS Console

From version 5.6.0 and Spigot/Paper 1.20.6, the TARDIS plugin has an integrated all-in-one custom modelled console.

The console comes as the default controls in the BONE interior.

Bone Interior Console

Bone Interior Console


To craft an integrated console, use the following recipe:

/trecipe light-gray-console

IngredientsCrafting recipeDifficulty
Light Gray Concrete Powder
Bamboo Button
light gray concrete powder
bamboo button
light gray concrete powder
light gray concrete powder
bamboo button
light gray concrete powder
light gray console
Light Gray Concrete Powder
Bamboo Button
Redstone Block
light gray concrete powder
bamboo button
light gray concrete powder
redstone block
light gray concrete powder
bamboo button
light gray concrete powder
light gray console

You can craft the other 15 standard Minecraft colours by substituting the appropriate coloured concrete powder.

Gray Concrete Powder Black Concrete Powder White Concrete Powder Red Concrete Powder Orange Concrete Powder Yellow Concrete Powder Lime Concrete Powder Green Concrete Powder Cyan Concrete Powder Light Blue Concrete Powder Blue Concrete Powder Purple Concrete Powder Magenta Concrete Powder Pink Concrete Powder Brown Concrete Powder

View the other recipes here: Console recipe

Placing the console

After crafting a console, right click to place like any other block. The centre of the console (a coloured concrete block) is placed where you click and the console panels are built around it.

Using the console

The controls are shown below - for the most part, they work in the same way as the individual block controls.

Labelled console

Panel 1

H HandbrakeTime Rotor Handbrake - take off and park the TARDIS.
TSpace Time ThrottleControl the materialisation speed of the TARDIS.
RDRelativity DifferentiatorFlight Mode Selector - Select from Normal, Regulator, Manual and Exterior Flight.
ARAstrosextant RegulatorUsed when flight mode is set to Manual.

Panel 1

Panel 2

SCR ScreenRight-click to open the control menu, shift-click the left side to display TARDIS information, shift-click right side to display TARDIS coordinates. For other functions, see below.
SScanner buttonExterior Environment Scanner - .
AArtron Energy buttonDisplay the TARDIS and Time Lord artron levels.
RBRebuild buttonChameleon Circuit Re-initialiser - rebuild the TARDIS exterior.

Panel 2

Panel 3

AT Absolute TesseractulatorUsed when flight mode is set to Manual.
LLight SwitchTurn the TARDIS interior lights off and on.
IInterior Light Level SwitchSet the light levels of the TARDIS interior lights.
EExterior Lamp Level SwitchSet the light level of the TARDIS exterior lamp.
TWToggle Wool buttonToggle the wool blocks behind the TARDIS interior door between wool and air.

Panel 3

Panel 4

GA Gravitic AnomaliserUsed when flight mode is set to Manual.
SDSonic DockStore and charge your Sonic Screwdriver and set travel coordinates from the sonic's last scanned location or player.
DDirectionChange the direction the TARDIS exterior faces.

Panel 4

Panel 5

WWorldEnvironment Selector - used by the random button.
MMultiplierCoordinate Increment Modifier - increases the random travel distance - used by the random button.
XX coordinate distanceSet the random travel distance in the x direction - used by the random button.
ZZ coordinate distanceSet the random travel distance in the z direction - used by the random button.
HRHelmic RegulatorChoose a world to travel to - used by the random button - to set the order that worlds are listed in, edit helmic_regultor_order in planets.yml. Eight slots are available.

Panel 5

Panel 6

TPTelepathic CircuitOpens the TARDIS Telepathic GUI where you can toggle the Telepathic Circuit on and off, find a cave, structure or biome to travel to.
RRandom buttonGenerates a random location to travel to based on the settings of panel 5.
SVSavesWaypoint selector - opens the TARDIS Saves GUI.
BBack buttonFast return to the last place you travelled to.

Panel 6

Control labels

If you can't remember which control is which, you have two options:

  • Shift-right-click the control to temporarily show its name.
  • Use the command /tardisprefs console_labels [on|off] to toggle control labels on and off.

Changing the colour of the console

You can change the colour of the console by clicking the console screen while holding 6 of the desired coloured concrete powder in your main hand.

Breaking the console

To break the console, right-click the console screen with any pickaxe.


Coming soon