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Biome Adaptive Chameleon Presets

When the Chameleon Circuit is set to Adaptive Biome mode, the TARDIS exterior preset is selected based on the biome that the TARDIS travels to.

You can configure which preset is used for which biome by editing adaptive.yml. The file uses YAML aliases - for example:

# snowy biomes
  • &snowy defines an alias to the COLD_TAIGA preset
  • *snowy is an instance of the alias

You can either change the alias &snowy to another Chameleon preset e.g. &snowy PINE, and the other instances will use that as well, or set a preset for each individual biome.

You can use any Chameleon block preset as well as the biome presets shown below.


You can only use an &alias if it has been defined in the file above where you want to use the * instance - so to change every snowy biome you would need to set the alias up in the # frozen biomes section first.

Biomes and presets

By default, the plugin maps biomes to presets in the following way:

Beach, frozen river, river, snowy beach, stony shore


Beach, frozen river, river, snowy beach, stony shore

Cold ocean, deep cold ocean, deep lukewarm ocean, deep ocean, lukewarm ocean, ocean, warm ocean


Cold ocean, deep cold ocean, deep lukewarm ocean, deep ocean, lukewarm ocean, ocean, warm ocean




Windswept gravelly hills, windswept hills, windswept forest


Windswept gravelly hills, windswept hills, windswept forest

Birch forest, forest, old growth birch forest


Birch forest, forest, old growth birch forest

Nether wastes, soul sand valley, crimson forest, warped forest, basalt deltas


Nether wastes, soul sand valley, crimson forest, warped forest, basalt deltas

Snowy plains, deep frozen ocean, frozen ocean, jagged peaks, snowy peaks


Snowy plains, deep frozen ocean, frozen ocean, jagged peaks, snowy peaks

Ice spikes


Ice spikes

Jungle, sparse jungle, bamboo jungle


Jungle, sparse jungle, bamboo jungle

Badlands, wooded badlands, eroded badlands


Badlands, wooded badlands, eroded badlands

Mushroom fields


Mushroom fields

Plains, sunflower plains, meadow


Plains, sunflower plains, meadow

Dark forest, flower forest


Dark forest, flower forest

Savanna, windswept savanna, savanna plateau


Savanna, windswept savanna, savanna plateau

Swamp, mangrove swamp


Swamp, mangrove swamp

End barrens, End highlands, End midlands, small End islands, The End


End barrens, End highlands, End midlands, small End islands, The End

Old growth spruce taiga, taiga, old growth pine taiga


Old growth spruce taiga, taiga, old growth pine taiga

Snowy taiga, snowy slopes, grove


Snowy taiga, snowy slopes, grove

Locking in a preset

You can use the Chameleon GUI to lock in an adaptive biome preset so that it is used regardless of the biome the TARDIS travels to.

To lock the preset:

  1. Set the Chameleon circuit to BIOME Adaptive mode.
  2. Travel to the biome that has the desired preset.
  3. Open the Chameleon GUI again and click the "Lock" button above the Adaptive setting.

Clicking the button will switch the settings to Shorted out and apply the biome preset on a permanent basis (it won't change when you go to a different biome).

Adaptive biome locked