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World management

From TARDIS v4.1.0 the plugin can now manage any worlds on the server and no longer relies on a separate multi-world plugin such as Multiverse.

Configuration for world management is handled by planets.yml.



The main world management command is /tardisworld.

loadLoads a world for TARDIS to manage and enables it in planets.yml. world should be the name of the world folder. WorldType should be either NORMAL or FLAT. Environment should be one of NORMAL, NETHER, or THE_END. generator should be the name of the plugin that will generate the world terrain e.g. TARDIS:void.
/tardisworld load [world] <WorldType> <Environment> <generator>
unloadUnloads a world from the server and disables it in planets.yml.
/tardisworld unload [world]
gmSets the default gamemode for a world. world should be the name of the world folder. gamemode should be one of SURVIVAL, CREATIVE, ADVENTURE, or SPECTATOR.
/tardisworld gm [world] [gamemode]
enableEnables time travel to the specified world
/tardisworld enable [world]
disableDisables time travel to the specified world
/tardisworld disable [world]
update_nameUpdates legacy world names in the areas/back/current/destinations/dispersed/homes/next database tables
/tardisworld update_name [world]
infoDisplay planet.yml configuration options for a world
/tardisworld info [world]
renameRenames the world folder and the record in the level.dat file.
/tardisworld rename [old name] [new name]
dimensioniconChange the icon for a world in the TARDIS Saves GUI.
/tardisworld dimensionicon [world] [material]


Teleporting between worlds is handled by the /tardisteleport command.

[world]Teleports the player running the command to the specified world’s spawn point.
/tardisteleport [world]